Monday, April 21, 2014


And a few days later . . .


ShEiLa said...

Loved the Momma Cardinal.... The nest.... The eggs....
and now the baby birds.

Eeyore said...

ShEiLa, If you still have a blog and wouldn't mind me seeing it, I think you have to invite me at Google changed the account associated with my blog and my old email, which is really my email, doesn't link me to the blog. I'll check the gmail acct periodically, but not everyday.

Eeyore said...

And thanks for the comments.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Yes!...indeed cute and so precious! What a great picture, Larry. How high up in the tree is the nest?

Eeyore said...

This nest is only about four feet off the ground in a rather flimsy fringe flower bush.