Showing posts with label Dove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dove. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dove Update

I recently showed you a dove that had built her nest next to the window at church (here).  Well, now, two weeks later, we have one egg shoved to the edge of the nest and apparently abandoned.
But we also have a young dove sitting in the bushes close to the nest.
Ugly little fellow, but life goes on.

Monday, August 13, 2012


This young dove chose to build her nest in a quiet courtyard at church.  Unfortunately, she chose a window ledge behind the rosemary bush, hidden from view for anyone in the courtyard (seldom does anyone actually go out there), but in plain view of anyone walking down the hallway.  People frequently walk down the hallway, especially on Sunday morning, but she seems to realize they cannot get to her or her precious eggs through the window, so she just sits there.  This lets people get quite close for a good view, but she doesn't seem to mind, even when I have the camera less than a foot from her.  That leads to some really good close ups, but I didn't want to bother her too much.
I hope she's able to raise her brood there.  I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More Backyard Wildlife

My blog has seemed pretty slow to load lately, so I'm trying a new way to get the larger images without going through flickr. The blog image seems just as large and clear as going through flickr, but when you click it, the resultant image is not quite as large. I think it will be faster though.

The bumblebees are busy doing their thing, pollinating everything in site. This is one of the clearest shots of one of these guys I've ever gotten.

Meanwhile this dove was just chillin' out on top of the swing, surveying the world and gettin' some rays.