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Five Points South in Birmingham is an interesting place. You just never know what you'll see. When I was leaving Highlands United Methodist Church a couple of Thursdays back, I heard the unmistakable skirl of bagpipes. I wandered around the building, after retrieving my camera from the truck, and found this guy, all alone, standing on the front lawn of the church playing away.
It was already 12:00, and I had an hour drive before lunch, so I didn't wait for him to finish.
The 2 Things Challenge this week is Alike/Alive.
Every time we drive by this barn my wife comments on how much this dam and foal look alike, and the mare came very much alive when I pulled off the road to make their photo. She whinnied and snorted as if to tell me that stopping there was unusual and I should just move myself along.
What can you get for a nickel these days? Maybe 2 ounces of gasoline, even less milk, or a Dum Dum. These were at the food counter checkout at the Old Baker Farm agritourism place last weekend, where you pay $10.00 to get in and go pick a pumpkin, plus other entertaining activities, and $3.00 for a roasted ear of corn.
The Two Things Challenge this week is Verb/Hoof. At least in the South, if you aren't driving or riding to your destination, then you have to "hoof" it, especially if you are in a hurry.
I have a feeling this guy's destination is the same as his starting point, but he's hoofing it through Five Points South at lunchtime.
Like I said last week, this stuff is blooming everywhere. Here it is on a barbed wire fence, with a little Goldenrod thrown in on the left. And Dusty (Rob), there's a little rusty strand just for you.
The public pier at Ft. Walton Beach, Florida sitting in a very calm and smooth Gulf of Mexico.
Yesterday, Virginia Jones of BADP showed you a cotton boll left behind in the picking. Today, I show you a cotton field that hasn't been picked yet, and probably won't be for a little while because the rain this week and fog this morning have left the cotton too wet.
These pepper the roadsides, fields, and meadows around here this time of year. When I was a child, they were Black Eyed Susans. I guess they still are, but they are also rudbeckia hirta.